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Lutheran Campus Ministry at KSU Manhattan
Viewing User: Raj Purohit

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Basic Information

Raj Purohit
Username: rajpurohit
First Visit: May 22, 2019
Last Visit: Mon, Jun 3, 2019, 5:51am
Your name(s):Raj Purohit
How would you best describe your connection to LCM at KSU:Other
Please share a story about your time with Lutheran Campus Ministry or describe how LCM made a difference to you or a student you knew… :Lutheran Campus Ministry gives me unlimited memories.  I am writing a book on ERP Software Topic.
May we share your story in our promotional materials:No, thank you.
What year(s) were you involved in LCM at KSU:2012
Please consider supporting us at one of the following levels:No Thank You.
May we add you to our mailing list:No Thank You.
Email Address:[email protected]

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